Monday, May 02, 2005

Setting the Record Straight on Climate Change

Knowledge is Power – Dispel Global Warming Myths

"Setting the Record Straight on Climate Change
By Environmental Defense, 04/15/2005

A vast majority of climate scientists agree that global warming is happening and that it poses a serious threat to society. They also agree that it is being caused largely by human activities that release greenhouse gases, such as burning fossil fuels in power plants and cars and deforesting the land. These highlights -- and the full full report -- lay out some common myths and misunderstandings regarding climate change.

Knowledge is Power – Dispel Global Warming Myths

Myth: The small increase in global temperatures predicted by global warming models for the next century - between 2 and 10 degrees (F) - is hardly a cause for concern.

Fact: The last major ice age was only an average 9 degrees colder than today, and that was enough to cover much of North America in ice a kilometer thick. Projections show temperatures rising more and faster than any change in the past in 10,000 years.

Our latest Myths vs. Facts report on global warming by climate scientists Dr. James Wang and Dr. Michael Oppenheimer discusses accepted science and debunks common myths."

Read the entire Myths vs. Facts report

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